Nov 08, 2018
Hi there! In this post, I want to discuss our drive and ambition when we give it our all, and then the need to give just a little more. I came across an amazing article recently that truly encapsulates the idea of success. John DiJulius, International Customer Experience Consultant and best-selling author, captured what it takes to really do your best. Once you read this article, you’ll understand why saying, “I gave it my best” is sometimes just not enough.
Before you read the blog post by DiJulius, I would like to share some thoughts with you. As you read the article, which you should read a few times (don’t worry, it’s short!), think about what it says. While it sounds odd to hear someone say, “Your best is not good enough,” if you really think about it, it makes perfect sense. When you are facing a rock wall, don’t just say you did what you could do (your best) but fell short. Instead, find a solution and bust that wall down, climb over it, go around it, or do whatever you need to do to find that solution. Yes, it will take preparation, hard work, and possibly even sacrifice. But it will be worth it when you find success! You have what it takes…now go do it!
Don’t forget to leave your comments below! I love hearing your thoughts!
Remember… Beauty & change begin within,
~Jeffrey Paul
*Click the image to read the full article.